Why People Love 3D Matterport Tours More Than Open-Houses

Why People Love 3D Matterport Tours More Than Open-Houses

Why People Love 3D Matterport Tours More Than Open-Houses

Back to News February 2021

With the boost in digital adoption, we’ve seen a decrease in real-life interactions in the real estate market. 3D matterport tours are now the preference for buyers and agents. Why so? We have shortlisted the benefits our virtual tour services offer to the buyers and sellers of houses.

Benefits to Buyers & Sellers

It saves valuable time

With our virtual tours, the buyers will not have to visit properties that are not suitable. Similarly, the sellers will not have to stage the house every time a buyer shows interest, later to find out that they were not interested in the first place. This way, the buyer will not visit the house that does not fit his needs, and the sellers won’t have to waste time on showings that yield no results.

Buyers can view the house thoroughly

There is no rush or anxiety for the buyers during the virtual tours. No one will be rushing them into seeing the house. You can thoroughly see every aspect of the house without someone standing over your shoulder. The buyers can take a look around at their own pace.

It takes less time in house staging

With 360 Nash virtual house tours, sellers do not have to spend as much time on cleaning and staging as they did before. It takes off the burden from the sellers. It will alleviate the pressure and stress of frequent house staging. The virtual tours also increase the likelihood of attracting potential buyers to visit the property.

Benefits for Agents

When it comes to 3D virtual tours in real estate, there are several upsides for the agents. With virtual tours, the agents can shortlist the interested buyers in the property that saves your time.

It saves the agent’s time

How many times as an agent, you have to face the situation to take a buyer for showing house only to discover they were not interested in the first place? With the virtual tours, the buyers will know in advance if they want to visit the property or not, and it will filter out the right buyers. This factor is useful for properties located in remote areas. It will allow you to spend more time with the potential buyers rather than spending it on the staging.

It increases the online engagement

3D tours provide a stronger communication channel with the buyers. The buyers can comment on the listing during the virtual tour, and you can address their concerns right away. Once the communication starts, you can direct them towards your website as well for further queries. It increases online engagement, giving you a credible position on search engines.

It brings you the result

The 3D home tours have increased the sales for real estate agencies. If you list a property with 3D virtual tours, you can get four times more leads. The clicks on your listings also increase by 40%. It doesn’t end here. According to recent research, young buyers are 130% more likely to book a house showing if the listing had the 3D tour. Our services can help you increase your business sales by attracting more customers with quality virtual tours.

With the current situation of Covid-19, our company ensures that your real-estate business does not go down. By keeping the social distancing in mind, now you do not have to visit the property physically. It reduces the chance of getting an infection as well.

Use our 3D Matterport tours to give your clients the best and safe house showings. Contact us for more details.

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