Debunking Some Popular Myths About Virtual Tours

Debunking Some Popular Myths About Virtual Tours

Debunking Some Popular Myths About Virtual Tours

Back to News October 2022

Words have great power. They can profoundly affect our thinking, whether they are read or heard. We'd want to debunk several misconceptions about 3D virtual house tours. There has been some misinformation spread, and we intend to correct that.

The question "what is the best medium for me?" should be first in your mind if you're trying to decide how to promote a product, service, or real estate online. There are several alternatives to consider. It could be still images, a promotional video, or a 360-degree landscape.

3D virtual house tours are a relatively new idea. Still, many people feel secure in their knowledge of the benefits and drawbacks of images and videos, thanks to the ever-growing influence of social media and the internet. Also, there are still widespread misunderstandings and reservations, as is the case with many innovative technological developments.

Some misconceptions about virtual tours exist, and we hope to dispel them here. We'll explain why we think these fallacies exist and give you an extra reason to consider using virtual tours for your business or property seriously.

Virtual Tour Myth #1: Virtual Tours Cost A Lot Of Money

Even though we've shown that virtual tours as a tool are still in their infancy, there's a common misconception that they're extremely expensive. As with other forms of advertising, though, the price of a virtual tour will depend on several things.

We believe this is because customers expect a high cost due to the high production value of virtual tours, which are shot using high-end equipment.

There is likewise no typical cost in the current market. You may notice a large disparity in price bids while shopping around for a virtual tour company. Even though these virtual tours typically cost more than a typical photography package, they are frequently less expensive than merely a video. Unexpected, huh? The development of virtual tours is now largely automated, which speeds up the process and makes it more efficient.

Virtual Tour Myth #2: Virtual Tours Lack Interactive Elements

The answer to this is simple. Many people missed the mark when commercial virtual tour experiences first emerged.

Significant differences exist between a virtual tour and a video tour (so substantial that we devoted another post to explaining these distinctions). That's what most people didn't understand. In a video tour, viewers are only escorted along a predetermined path through a building or establishment.

Virtual tours, on the other hand, allow user interaction, whereas video tours do not. It is entirely up to the viewer in 3D virtual house tours. What's great about them is that they're free to go wherever and whenever they like, discovering new parts of the space at their leisure. Users will have complete independence, unrestricted by sophisticated cutaways or slick camerawork. After seeing this, the spectator will fully believe that the advertised product is real.

Virtual Tour Myth #3: Virtual Tours Are A Risk To Privacy

Does taking a virtual tour to compromise our right to privacy, which we all hold in high regard? I mean, sure, it's possible.

The best way to ensure your privacy is protected during a virtual tour is to use a company with a solid reputation and years of experience. If a business meets these requirements, you may be sure that its mindful of the risk posed by this matter and dedicated to eliminating it.

Starting with the basics, no personal information must be exposed during a virtual tour of a home. Breaches of data protection are avoided; all that is required is the removal of any identifying information that may be seen or the request that we blur out during the editing process. You should ensure that no sensitive materials, such as letters, legal documents, or family photos, are in the house. But what if I fail to notice something containing sensitive information, and it ends up in the published virtual tour? Excellent inquiry. As we've already discussed, some virtual tour software includes a blur function that can be used to obscure or hide content.


The more time and effort you put into research, the better. That's the main takeaway we hope you'll have from reading this!

Before contacting a 3D virtual house tour company, you must do some independent research on them. After doing some research, you'll see that many common beliefs about virtual tours are mistaken. You'll be able to appreciate the value of a virtual tour once you stop focusing on the finer details and start taking in the forest for the trees.

If you have questions or concerns regarding virtual tours and want to know more, we at 360 Nash do everything we can to make sure you're comfortable deciding on a virtual tour or a real estate drone photography, and we'll be here to answer any questions you have along the way.


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